Sale of Balance Flats 2024: Guide to Applying for an HDB SBF Unit in Singapore
Sale of Balance Flats 2024: Guide to Applying for an HDB SBF Unit in Singapore
Sale of Balance Flats 2024: Guide to Applying for an HDB SBF Unit in Singapore

Getting an HDB Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) is a way first-time homebuyers who can’t afford to wait four or five years for a BTO flat or pay for an HDB resale flat to secure an affordable home.

Usually, the exercise is held twice yearly in May and in November. However, HDB announced that due to the “stabilisation of BTO application rates”, there will only be one SBF exercise and three BTO exercises held in a year from 2024 onwards much to the rue of some home buyers. The next SBF exercise will occur in February 2025.

In this article, we’ll explain the HDB SBF exercise and how it compares against the BTO and OBF launches. We’ll also guide you through the eligibility criteria and application process.

Watch Our Video On SBF Units in Singapore

What Is the Sale of Balance Flats Exercise?

SBF scheme is essentially an exercise that pools unsold flats from past BTO launches, surplus flats from Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) projects, and any flats repurchased by HDB.

The last HDB Sale of Balance Flats 2024 exercise has concluded. Like the Sale of Balance Flats 2024 release date and the Sale of Balance Flat 2024 locations, the details of the next SBF exercise will be announced closer to the date in February 2025.

Number of SBF Units Launched (Nov 2020 to Feb 2024)

February 2024


May 2023


Nov 2022


May 2022


Nov 2021


May 2021


Nov 2020


HDB BTO Flats vs Sale of Balance Flats 2024: What’s the Difference?

1. SBF Units on Offer Have a Shorter Wait Time Than BTO Flats

Since the construction of BTO flats will only begin if at least 70% of flats are booked, this means the process is longer as the waiting time is usually about three to four years. These factors can weigh on first-time homebuyers who are considering marriage and having kids soon.

In contrast, HDB SBF launches sell leftover flats from projects that are either under construction or have already been completed (that are ready to be moved into). As a result, you can anticipate receiving your home much sooner.

This is especially great for young couples who do not want to delay marriage until they have a home, or do not wish to spend money on rental homes while waiting for their BTO unit to complete. Single unwed parents and seniors also stand to benefit from the shorter waiting time for the SBF exercise.

2. HDB SBF Launches Offer More Locations to Choose From Than BTO Flats

Since the scheme pools unsold flats from many projects, the HDB SBF launches are located in both mature and non-mature estates. While there are fewer total units available for sale, you have more locations and options to choose from.