Why the Rich Travel Light

Something noticeable about people who earn more than S$1,000,000 a year is that they are all surprisingly unflashy in their dress. Mr S is a minimalist, wearing a surprisingly light outfit with a single carry-on bag when he travels abroad for real estate investment inspection or business trips. Besides Mr S, there are many wealthy people who travel almost empty-handed. But why?


Mr S hates risk and waste

Mr S abhors risk and waste. Once a financial investment trader, he is now a wealthy person living a stress-free life, mainly making use of his assets in the form of real estate investment after getting tired of the volatility of stock markets and interest rates. Mr S says that this is because, “Stocks may be halved due to the Lehman shock, but rent doesn’t change.”

Mr S sincerely hates waste. His domestic business partners and friends are concentrated in the heart of the city, and he plots the people he meets frequently in terms of points, choosing to live conveniently in the middle of those points. It’s the centre of the city, an expensive high-class area, but he continues to live there with the reasoning that “It takes the least amount of time to meet with people.”

Mr S says he also has people come to his house for appointments. This reduces travel time and the stress of waiting.

When he goes abroad to oversee real estate investments, he only brings one carry-on bag. Clothes are purchased locally, PCs are rented. It is surprising that only a smartphone, a credit card, a passport and a charger are enough. This is because of the risk of lost baggage and having to wait to get baggage checked.


You can live minimally in your city

Inspired by Mr S, I recently started the same lifestyle. I only bring a small bag when I go on a business trip with only a change of clothes inside. After I left my bag at the local hotel, I went empty-handed.

If you want to meet an important person, you can use a clothing rental service and send the items back by mail from the hotel. One transportation pass is enough for journeys in the city, so you don’t even need a wallet, credit cards were enough.

The benefits of empty-handed travel are immeasurable. In a variety of places, including trains, taxis, cafes, and business halls, there is always a risk of luggage being left behind or stolen. But if you don’t bring anything with you, you don’t have to worry.


What’s the biggest reason that the rich can go around the city empty-handed?

But here’s one important truth to tell. The reason why rich people living in the city can enjoy the benefit of minimalism is that their travel distance is short.

Mr S says that he moves around several places in a day. He advises clients operation in the morning, teaches seminars in the afternoon, and attends social events at night.

Surprisingly, Mr S said he goes home once he finishes each of these. After parting with a client, he has lunch at home, takes a nap until it’s time to lecture, shower, and put on cologne. This is possible because he lives in a prime location in the city and can operate within walking distance or within taxi distance.

Mr S sometimes wears different clothes in the morning and evening. This is because he’s able to go home. For many people, it’s not easy to go home once they’re out. It could be said that the fact that the rich are rich may be why they are able to travel empty-handed.


(By ZUU online)

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