Trump's Cabinet picks will probably all get confirmed — here's why

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donald trump

(President Donald Trump speaks with county sheriffs at the White House on February 7, 2017.Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump is extremely confident that the US Senate will confirm all of Cabinet picks.

If history is any indicator, he has little to worry about.

In 228 years of the executive branch, the Senate has outright rejected only nine Cabinet nominations, while 11 were withdrawn or not acted on by the Senate.

Considering presidents have nominated between four and 21 Cabinet-level positions requiring Senate confirmation per term, that's a remarkably good success rate.

Asked about the confirmation hearings on January 9, Trump said he expected them to go smoothly.

"Confirmation is going great. I think they'll all pass," he said in the lobby of Trump Tower. "I think every nomination will be — they're all at the highest level. ... I think they're going to do very well."

The picks most likely to face opposition

Democratic senators — and some Republicans — have objected to most of Trump's choices, most notably Betsy DeVos as secretary of education, Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general, and Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency administrator.

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Cabinet Confirmations BI Graphics

(Skye Gould/Business Insider)

But to successfully reject any pick, all 48 Democrats in the Senate would need to oppose a nominee and have three Republicans join them.

Even DeVos, who was the closest so far to near rejection, passed in historic fashion on Tuesday when Vice President Mike Pence cast the tiebreaking vote to approve her nomination, 51-50.

It was the first time the VP had to step in to vote on a Cabinet picks, since the Democrats changed the rules in 2013 requiring a simple majority to prevent Senate filibusters on nominees. Two Republican senators joined every Democrat in opposing her nomination, but it still wasn't enough.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York tweeted his disappointment after the DeVos vote:

Some of the loudest concerns that senators have voiced have been about Tillerson's close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who awarded the former Exxon Mobil CEO an Order of Friendship medal in 2013.

Top US intelligence agencies concluded in a report released in January that Russia was behind the Democratic National Committee hacks, which they said were part of a campaign orchestrated by Putin and designed to discredit Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and aid Trump.

But the Senate approved Tillerson's nomination in a 53-42 vote, with three Democrats and all Republicans voting "yea."

Sessions, meanwhile, was nominated to be a federal district court judge by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. But the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee blocked his nomination because of racially charged comments and actions, which Sessions denied.

His hearings for attorney general, in front of the same committee that rejected him years ago, were fiery, and Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey even testified against him, another first.

After his nomination, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts urged GOP senators to join her in opposing Sessions.

"Today, a new GOP Senate must decide whether self-interest & political cowardice will prevent them from once again doing what is right," Warren tweeted.

And Pruitt is embroiled in a lawsuit over what he has called an overreach of the EPA, the agency Trump has nominated him to lead, with President Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan.

Many Democrats have raised concerns that Pruitt denies the overwhelming scientific consensus about climate change, and held a boycott of his nomination hearing in protest.

The environmental group Sierra Club compared Pruitt heading the EPA to "putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires."

A historical rarity

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Trump Senate Confirmations BI Graphics

(Skye Gould/Business Insider)

The last time the Senate outright blocked a nomination was Republican President George H.W. Bush's choice of Sen. John Tower for defense secretary in 1989.

"Senator George J. Mitchell of Maine, the majority leader ... and Senator Sam Nunn, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, both argued that Mr. Tower's nomination was a special case," The New York Times reported at the time, "a nominee for a particularly sensitive job plagued by an unusually long list of allegations about purported drinking problems, misconduct toward women and lax attitudes toward conflicts created by his work as a consultant to military contractors."

More recently, Tom Daschle withdrew himself as Obama's nominee for secretary of health and human services in 2009 because Daschle came under scrutiny over unpaid taxes. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both withdrew two Cabinet nominees.

The first Cabinet pick to be outright rejected by the Senate was Roger Taney in 1834, whom President Andrew Jackson appointed as treasury secretary to dismantle the National Bank.

But these political dust-ups have been rarities, and Trump's picks will probably sail right through.

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