The “First Human Evolution” is over, says 50-year veteran Global Health Planner Jeffrey Charles Hardy

Care for Peace Foundation Founder Jeffrey Charles Hardy coins the “Second Human Evolution,” a concept inspiring global collaboration and structured planning toward sustainable development and peace.

Novato, California, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jeffrey Charles Hardy introduces a three-tiered model of human evolution—the “First, Suspended, and Second Human Evolution.” Standing back and viewing the human trajectory from its pre-historic origin to today and then well into a sustainable future demands an innovative framework for considering how society tackles monumental global challenges, such as climate change, environmental degradation, and overpopulation. Hardy’s global perspective of the “human timeline” represents a paradigm shift toward sustainable coexistence of the planet and its inhabitants.

Jeff Hardy

This framework begins with the “First Human Evolution,” which began roughly two and a half million years ago. Characterized by humanity’s persistent efforts to conquer nature, it saw its decline in the mid-1950s when humans acquired the capability to obliterate all life on Earth through nuclear destruction. Humanity's complete domination over nature and each other signified the end of the First Human Evolution.

Hardy believes that recognizing that the First Human Evolution is over will change the game entirely and redirect our focus from dominating nature to examining our own nature and behaviors. This shift ushered humanity into what Hardy calls the “Suspended Human Evolution.” “In this phase, we find ourselves reassessing and moving away from the unsustainable practices of unlimited growth and waste that we inherited from the First Human Evolution. We are in a state of searching for a new path forward,” he remarks.

The phase of human evolution we are in now is suspended because we don’t have a plan for the Second Human Evolution. “It’s yet to be determined and is ours to imagine, discuss, plan, design, and implement,” he adds. The visionary emphasizes that society must learn from the past and utilize insights from academics, media, governments, and non-government organizations to facilitate this groundbreaking transformation. “The process is the solution,” Hardy asserts.

The sweeping human evolution framework idea stems from Hardy’s extensive experience as an international healthcare planner, which began early in his healthcare career.

“When working as a hospital corpsman, I remember tending to young, sick or wounded seamen returning from the Vietnam War,” Hardy recalls. “In those moments of administering shots, changing gauzes, and simply being there for them, I realized there is an intrinsic relationship between caring for others and the feeling of peace.” He recognized the universal truth—peace can be nurtured and sustained through compassionate action. “Most of the nurses I met all over the world,” he adds, “already knew what it means to care for peace.”

This realization became a global mission to create a new framework for addressing humanity’s most daunting issues, including climate change, overpopulation, and environmental degradation. The Care for Peace Foundation embodies the principles of the Second Human Evolution. The California-based non-profit organization is known for empowering underserved communities worldwide, specifically in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) through sustainable development initiatives.

The Foundation operates in the belief that caring for peace begins with a heartfelt concern and translates into tangible actions. With Hardy’s innovative framework as its core pillar, it remains dedicated to helping communities build “healthy villages” through healthcare, education, social services, and micro-economic initiatives.

Following the military coup in Myanmar, Hardy wrote a book, To Care for Peace: A Global Mandate to Secure the Second Human Evolution in Perpetuity (Amazon). The book leans heavily on his global healthcare career and captures his innovative approach to healthcare facility planning and its role in shaping a more equitable world.

As Hardy emphasizes in To Care for Peace, the Second Human Evolution is for society to imagine, discuss, plan, design, and implement. He contributes to the movement’s advancement by developing four templates to guide the planning and implementation processes. Hardy has refined these templates over years of practical application. They’re also informed by lessons from various sectors, including healthcare.

The personal prime directive, the first template, focuses on individual values and responsibilities and encourages personal commitment to peace and well-being. The relational prime directive, on the other hand, addresses interpersonal dynamics and the importance of harmonious relationships.

He also introduces the cultural template, which revolves around balancing physical and spiritual aspects within cultural contexts to foster holistic well-being—meanwhile, the organizational template structures organizational roles and responsibilities to align with broader peace and sustainability goals.

Hardy stresses the importance of understanding that no single entity can actualize the Second Human Evolution alone. It requires a unified effort in which individuals, communities, and organizations collaborate synergistically. Given this context, Hardy’s organizational template is critical in guiding stakeholders to align their actions with broader peace and sustainability objectives.

Jeffrey Charles Hardy’s framework presents a pragmatic pathway forward now that humanity stands at the precipice of numerous challenges and opportunities. He invites individuals and organizations to participate actively in designing and implementing the Second Human Evolution through ongoing dialogue, strategic planning, and concerted action.

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Name: Jeff Hardy
