Dave Ramsey: 13 Car Maintenance Tips To Save Money

©Dave Ramsey
©Dave Ramsey

Few expenses are as dreaded as unexpected car repairs, as these often tend to require immediate attention and can end up being quite expensive. To avoid being slammed with several car repair bills at once, most people take their cars in for regular maintenance checks.

Do you know what you should be taking care of when you take your vehicle in for a maintenance checkup? Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey recently shared 13 car maintenance tips on his website Ramsey Solutions that can help keep drivers safe and save some extra money.

From getting new windshield wipers to having your tires rotated, read on to see how keeping up with car maintenance helps save money.

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CasarsaGuru / Getty Images/iStockphoto

1. Inflate Your Spare Tire

If you keep a spare tire handy in your vehicle, the post on Ramsey Solutions recommends keeping this tire inflated rather than deflated.

Drivers can spend a little extra money at an air pump to inflate their spare tire. The Ramsey Solutions post also reads that it’s a good idea to test the air pressure of your spare tire, and your existing tires, once a month.

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LeventKonuk / Getty Images/iStockphoto

2. Get an Oil Change

An oil change generally costs anywhere from $35 to $75. Drivers that skip it or put it off run the risk of wearing out their vehicle’s engine which is substantially more expensive to replace.

Frequent drivers are recommended by Ramsey Solutions to change their oil every 5,000 miles. They can also refer to their car manufacturer’s recommendations, too.

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joebelanger / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3. Inspect Your Car Battery

Inspecting your car battery means keeping an eye out for any signs of corrosion. According to the Ramsey Solutions post, corrosion looks like white or bluish powder. It typically forms on the car’s battery terminals and may lead to the battery becoming cracked if it isn’t kept clean.

Beyond being unable to work, replacing a cracked battery is not cheap. The Ramsey Solutions post said a replacement battery can cost at least $250. Twice a year, make sure to test your battery and invest in a wire brush to keep the battery’s terminals clean.

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PongMoji / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4. Replace Brake Pads

Functional brakes are an incredibly important part of regular car maintenance to ensure your overall safety.

If your brakes start squeaking or are not working as well as they used to, make an appointment to replace the brake pads.

While this isn’t the cheapest car maintenance tip — according to Ramsey Solutions, replacements may cost up to $300 per axle with an additional labor charge if a professional assists in installation — it’s money well spent to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

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5. Replace Your Cabin Air Filter

Depending on how much you drive, you may decide to change your cabin air filter every 12,000 miles or get a replacement every 12 months.

Getting regularly changed cabin air filters can keep other critical car parts, like your AC unit, from experiencing major problems and leading to paying even more car repair bills to fix them.

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choochart choochaikupt / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6. Get New Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers help drivers to see the road throughout every season. However strong yours may be, it’s a good idea to get replacements if you find it’s necessary (or your car manufacturer advises when to get them).

According to the Ramsey Solutions post, new windshield wipers cost around $50 to $61 for their parts and labor installation.

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Tyler Olson / Shutterstock.com
Tyler Olson / Shutterstock.com

7. Get Your Tires Rotated

Savvy drivers know that getting their tires rotated helps extend their life cycle if you do it on a regular basis. You can save about $187 a tire, which is the estimated cost of one new tire.

For every 3,000 to 5,000 miles you drive, the Ramsey Solutions post recommends getting a tire rotation.

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welcomia / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8. Check Your Vehicle’s Suspension System

Your vehicle’s suspension system includes its shocks, springs and struts. If you find anything in your car’s suspension system that needs to be replaced, it’s recommended that you make these replacements as soon as possible.

Drivers unsure of how often they should check their suspension system are recommended by Ramsey Solutions to do it every 15,000 to 30,000 miles.

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Lubo Ivanko / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9. Check Your Coolant

Your car’s coolant plays an important role in helping keep you warm in the winter via your heater and cool in the summer with AC. Getting regular coolant maintenance means drivers run less of a risk of experiencing corrosion inside their cars.

The recommended timeline for checking your car’s coolant, per Ramsey Solutions, is once before the warm weather season starts up and once before it gets cold outside.

Jorge Villalba / iStock.com
Jorge Villalba / iStock.com

10. Check, and Change, Your Spark Plugs

What’s the baseline for how often you should check and change your spark plugs? According to the Ramsey Solutions post, drivers should do this about every 30,000 miles.

The good news about spark plugs is they’re inexpensive if you need to change them. Typically, the cost of a new spark plug is around $10 each which is much cheaper than having to pay for an engine overhaul.

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welcomia / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11. Inspect Your Car’s Belts and Hoses

Your car’s belts and hoses should be carefully inspected to prevent more troubling (and expensive) issues for other essential car parts later on.

Per the Ramsey Solutions post, it’s a good idea to replace your timing belt every 60,000 miles and your serpentine belt every 40,000 miles. As for the hoses, these should be changed when and if they show signs of wear or every four years.

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Svetlana Dyachkova / Getty Images/iStockphoto

12. Check Your Car’s Headlights, Turn Signals, Brake Lights and Parking Lights

This may sound like a mouthful for car maintenance, but these four essentials need to be in working order. Otherwise, drivers may be saddled with pricey tickets and experience an increase in car insurance because of it.

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Kunakorn Rassadornyindee / Getty Images

13. Do the Emissions Inspection

Once a year, it’s recommended by Ramsey Solutions that drivers take their cars in for inspection.

Your car may also be required to pass an emissions inspection depending on the state you live in. Don’t delay getting this inspection done. If any of your car parts fail, you’ll be able to fix them to pass the inspection and ensure your car is cleared to hit the road safely again.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Dave Ramsey: 13 Car Maintenance Tips To Save Money