4 Signs Your Money Habits Are Savvier Than Your Friends’

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RyanJLane / Getty Images

Do you have that one person in your friend group who never seems to complain about money or having trouble paying for things? Maybe you’re that person.

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If you are, congratulations on doing such a good job managing your finances. If you’re not sure if you’re that person in your friend group, here are four signs that can help you tell.

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1. You Look at Money Differently

Your lifestyle can have a big impact on how you view money. If you’re savvy with your finances, you probably have a much more positive view of money.

While your friends and acquaintances may often talk about money as a stressor, you may view it as a means to an end. You know with the right planning and strategies, you can use your money to enjoy things in life and do activities that bring you joy. That’s one of the big advantages of having developed savvy money habits.

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2. You’re Tired of Hearing Complaints

If you’re tired of hearing friends complain about their lack of money and trouble affording stuff, it could be a sign they just don’t have the same savvy money habits you do.

After all — and especially if many of your friends and family members are millennials or belong to Gen Z — people are looking more to their peers for financial guidance. According to the Wall Street Journal, young Americans “don’t trust banks, and they are tired of information overload.”

If you decide you’re tired of hearing your friends and family members complain about money issues, watch out how you offer advice. Most of them don’t want to be preached to when it comes to advice. Instead, you could share what you’re doing, or just model better habits for them.

3. You’re Tired of Picking up Checks

Sure, it can feel good to be able to spot friends and relatives for things like coffee and lunch. But it also can quickly grow old when it happens over and over again.

If you’re tired of picking up checks when you go out, it’s another definite sign your money habits are probably better than those around you. If you’re close enough to the person and feel comfortable, this can be a good time to open up a discussion about money.

According to Iowa State University, you can bring up the topic in a positive way that encourages everyone to take part. “Say something about the new savings strategy you’ve started, or the budgeting app you read about, or something you saw on LinkedIn,” Iowa State suggested.

4. You Feel Awkward During Vacations

Talking to friends and family members about your travels should be a good time. However, if your money habits are savvier than others, it can be an awkward time.

If you and a friend make about the same salary, yet they can’t afford to take vacations or go out like you, it can make you feel uncomfortable talking about your travels or fun times. However, this can be another good time to bring up some savings strategies or other wise money habits you have discovered that have given your finances a boost.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 4 Signs Your Money Habits Are Savvier Than Your Friends’