13 Ways Retirees Can Save Money on Utilities This Summer

Ridofranz / iStock.com
Ridofranz / iStock.com

If you’re like many retirees, you won’t have a ton of options for boosting your income upon retirement. But if your utility bills keep rising every summer, this can become a major problem if you’re already living on a tight budget.

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So, what can you do to save money on utilities in the summer? Here’s what the experts say.

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Insulate Your Water Heater

“By wrapping your water heater in insulation, you can save 10% on your electricity water heating costs,” said Christine Ciavardini with MD Energy Advisors.

Insulation doesn’t have to cost a ton either. If you do it yourself, you can save on labor costs and spend around $20 per pre-cut insulation jacket.

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Use a Smart Power Strip

“Electronic appliances like computers and gaming consoles use up to 75% of their electricity when they are powered off!” said Ciavardini. “Using a smart power strip will do the ‘unplugging’ for you and shuts off the electricity to the appliances when they are not in use.”

A smart power strip costs about $20.

Increase the Thermostat (Gradually)

This might sound counterintuitive, but edging up the thermometer could save you money.

“A rule of thumb is that every degree you move your thermostat up saves about 3% on the energy bill,” said Kyle Enright, president of Achieve Lending. “When you’re using your air conditioner, edge up gradually to give you, time to adjust. A programmable thermostat — inexpensive and easy to install — helps makes the task simpler.”

Look Into Energy Efficiency Programs or Incentives

Depending on where you live, your service providers, and your income, you could potentially qualify for a cost-savings incentive.

“Many utility [companies] offer free energy efficiency items to their ratepayers, complimentary energy efficiency audits and generous incentives and rebates for equipment replacement,” said Ciavardini.

Use Shades or Curtains

Do you have shades or curtains? Use them!

“Whenever you are at home, take time to open and close shades and curtains to make sure the sun is not beating in and heating up your home where you don’t want it to be,” said Enright. “Taking this simple step can be surprisingly efficient.”

Don’t Use Your Dryer

Using your dryer adds to your energy bill, but if it’s hot and sunny where you live, skip it and hang your clothes instead.

“In addition to saving money, you’ll eliminate carbon emissions and increase the life of your garments,” said Enright. “Further reduce the energy bills by washing clothes in cold water. Most detergents today are designed to work well in cold, and doing so can save up to 90% of the energy used in the washing machine cycle.”

Switch to Community Solar

Installing solar panels can be pricey, but switching to community solar — for those who live in an area where this is possible — could be a great way to save money on utilities this summer.

“Community solar is a simple switch that saves residents 5-20% annually on their utility bills. The best part? No installation of solar panels required,” said Bruce Stewart of Perch Energy.

“”This makes community solar an appropriate option for those who want to join the clean energy transition but rent (aka don’t own their roof) and/or cannot afford the upfront price tag associated with installing solar panels,” Stewart continued. “Above all else, it’s certainly appropriate for those looking to save on their energy bills!”

Take Cooler Showers

If it’s hot where you live, you might actually want to take cooler showers. This can be refreshing and save you money.

“Try just 5 degrees, or if your hot water heater has just a scale, turn it down a notch,” said Enright.

Get Out of the House

If it’s an option, just leave your home during the day.

“If you can, really hot days present good opportunities to visit public areas with air conditioning (local library, community recreation center, even local museums),” said Michael Micheletti, chief communications officer at Unlock Technologies. “If you have some ability to be flexible in planning your day, think ahead on how you can structure your day to be out of the house during the hottest times.”

Use Fans

Running the air conditioning all day can serious rack up your energy bills, so switch to fans if that’s an option.

“If you have air conditioning, but want to cut down on its usage (and the bill), keep fans on to circulate air within your home,” said Micheletti. “To generate a cool breeze for a period of time, put empty plastic milk containers in the freezer. Then set out on a towel in front of a fan. Rotate as the water evaporates.”

Look Into Senior Discounts

“Seniors usually get a wide array of discounts, and utility bills are no exception,” said Scott Lieberman, Founder of www.TouchdownMoney.com. “Ask your utility company if you can get a senior discount if you’re over the age of 65.”

Make Small, Inexpensive Upgrades

If you have a little extra cash, make a few minor upgrades to your appliances to save money.

“You might not be able to upgrade your appliances, but you can switch out your light bulbs,” said Lieberman. “These can save a few dollars a month, which add up over time.”

Be Efficient In How You Use Your Home

There are lots of ways to be efficient in your home, but Micheletti had two additional suggestions for doing just that.

“If you have a home with a comfortable basement, see if you can sleep there on the warmest nights,” Micheletti said. “During the day, if you can, close off rooms you don’t need to use, and focus on keeping the smaller area you’re living in cooler.”

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 13 Ways Retirees Can Save Money on Utilities This Summer